Bansira Mobile Banking

Bansira Mobile Banking

A Banking application for multi factor authentication and user's banking stat's.


Created on 2nd April 2023

Bansira Mobile Banking

Bansira Mobile Banking

A Banking application for multi factor authentication and user's banking stat's.

The problem Bansira Mobile Banking solves

It's an internship project that i made. I cannot share github repo code for this but you can visit playstore to check it out.
Problem it solves:

  • Shows all your transfers, history, mandates and etc.
  • Acts as MFA and verifies user by his/her fingerprint, faceID or password.
  • When some MFA requiring changes are made on web application, user is notified through push notification.

Challenges I ran into

The problem about sending push notification to users.
I was using expo push notification which worked in development build but did not work in production build.
Later i realised that that for expo push notification to work in production build, expo required Firebase FCM API v1 keys.
When i uploaded the FCM key to my expo account, push notifications started working.


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