

bang! is a social Network where people share Trustable, Powerful, and valuable reviews of their real world purchases. bang! prevents fake reviews and protect both customers and businesses.

Created on 10th September 2023



bang! is a social Network where people share Trustable, Powerful, and valuable reviews of their real world purchases. bang! prevents fake reviews and protect both customers and businesses.

The problem bang! solves

Fakes reviews can...

  1. decieve consumers,
  2. hurt a business's reputation,
  3. negatively impact commerce atmostphere itself.

Both consumers and businesses are unprotected. Consumers are exposed to bad experiences, waste of time & money. For business, their survival can be at stake. Currently, we depend on policymakers and some form of mediators to solve the issue. Which are ineffective, inefficient and centralized. Most of these problems rise from centralized management and fake & unhealthy anonymity that Web 2.0 torlerates. These two factors make reviews susceptible to manipulation and scams.

Imagine, if we were able to only filter out the real reviews from real customers who really spent money and time to experience the product or service. The reviews will be trustable, powerful, and moreover valuable.

We've created SocialFi service where these real reviews are created, self-monitored and communicated. Only those who spent contrbutes. Only those who are real customers of the services and products post reiews.

Challenges we ran into

We had hard time coming up with sustainable and profitable. Current SocialFi built in the WEB 3.0 ecosystem have hard time figuring out how to invoke contributions from the users. The majority focuses on compensation method to promote user contribution. However, we've decided to have two different types of tokens to encourage frequent and continuous inflow of contribution. Limited-time Token will be catalyst for contribution and Timeless Token, which will be will be motivation for quality reviews.

On the technological side, hard to figure out cargo WASM compile error issue when uploading smar contracts. Also, the lack of support on mobile development.

Tracks Applied (1)


bang! encompasses SocialFi component through usage of SEI Token and the form of social network. bang! in its online com...Read More


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