

Screen time to Dream time

The problem Balnce solves

Our problem statement includes the fact that most of the people in the modern era are addicted to social media and spending digitally in an unhealthy manner which results in bad bodily habits, mental health impairment, bad spending. Our solution helps to erase these addictions with the help of the rewards and personalised solutions where the habits of the users will be tracked and personalised solutions will be provided upon whose completion the user will get reward coupons to claim prizes

Our business model focuses on partnerships with different emerging and established brands whose products we will display on our store which the users can claim via our coupons or claim a discount. The revenue model will sustain itself on a partnership basis along with use traffic, and an ad sense with minimal on the top of the screen ads which take minimum space , thus generating 3 schemes, and even additional ones with premium features like coaching subscriptions and personal therapy.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into difficulties in the business aspects on how to gain profitability, after that there were several problems with the integration.

Tracks Applied (1)

Best Use of MongoDB Atlas

We used the mongoDB database to basically add the sample data of a few customers to show the analysis and progressivepat...Read More

Major League Hacking
