AVRConnect - Augmented Virtual Reality Connect

AVRConnect - Augmented Virtual Reality Connect

Connecting people with immersive technology

The problem AVRConnect - Augmented Virtual Reality Connect solves

Point 1: Video Conferencing Necessity for Collaboration
In the contemporary world, video conferencing has evolved into an essential tool for remote collaboration.

Point 2: Lack of Immersion and Personal Connection
Video conferencing frequently falls short in providing the immersion and personal connection that in-person meetings offer.

Point 3: A Compelling Need
There is a compelling need to make video conferencing as immersive and personally connected as face-to-face meetings for effective teamwork and communication.

Challenges we ran into

  • Ensuring low-latency video streaming for a real-time experience.
  • Developing a seamless integration between WebRTC and VR technology.
  • Marker recognition and tracking for accurate video placement.
  • Achieving a balance between performance and accessibility.
  • Overcoming hardware and software compatibility issues."
