Automatic Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Automatic Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Automatic Tic-Tac-Toe with Artificial Intelligance but wait AI with C++ sounds odd right?

Automatic Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Automatic Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Automatic Tic-Tac-Toe with Artificial Intelligance but wait AI with C++ sounds odd right?

The problem Automatic Tic-Tac-Toe Game solves

Our automatic Tic Tac Toe game solves the problem of predictable and boring gameplay in traditional Tic Tac Toe games. The game becomes more challenging and exciting, making it more enjoyable for players of all ages. Furthermore, the game can be used as a tool to teach people about Automation and how it can be used to enhance games and solve real-world problems. It also provides a platform for AI enthusiasts to learn and experiment with advanced Algorithms and Data Structures.

Challenges we ran into

->Implementing the game logic - Understanding the game's rules and how players interact with the board is essential for creating the game logic for Tic Tac Toe. It can be difficult to come up with an effective algorithm for move selection and game state evaluation.

->Dealing with edge cases - Tic Tac Toe is a fairly straightforward game, but there are still a lot of edge cases to take into account, such as managing erroneous input or determining when the game has ended in a draw. It is necessary to give these edge cases significant thought and testing.

Tracks Applied (1)

Beeceptor SHOWCASE

An automatic Tic Tac Toe game can showcase the use of automation technology in a fun and engaging way. It can demonstrat...Read More

Beeceptor 🐝
