Automated Robot For Pharmaceutical Industry

Automated Robot For Pharmaceutical Industry

Supply chain management in Pharmaceutical industry using iot.

Automated Robot For Pharmaceutical Industry

Automated Robot For Pharmaceutical Industry

Supply chain management in Pharmaceutical industry using iot.

The problem Automated Robot For Pharmaceutical Industry solves

Some of the major problems are faced by pharmaceuticle industries are related to lack of coordination between clusters, providers and clients, high dependence on human resources, tempatrature and humidity controlling facilities, supply chain visibilites etc. This idea intends to provide an insight of internet of things(IOT) in pharmaceuticakl sectors. By this project we are going to solve these problems.The proposed solution is to devolop a system(robot) to monitor environmental indicators such as supply chain management, temparature, humidity, radiation, and light in real time in drug production and storage environment which enables the system to maintain drugs safely. To devolop an effecient an reliable technology to make the supply chain of drugs transparent to increase trust among actors and provide security, aiuthenticity and tracebility with the help of IOT. To monitor those things we will use the IOT devices such as radio frequency identification(RFID),raspberri pi, sensors(Based on problems faced), locators. those devices are used to collect the current status of phamaceutical products at anytime and anywhere. The proposed robot is multy functionality and it is eco friendly. In Pharmaceutical drugs are essential in diagnolising and treating patients. However, over the past decade, the issue of fraud and abuse drugs in the pharmaceutical supply chain as become increasingly operant. To solve these problems, a transformation of the current pharmaceutical supply chain to include tracking technologies from the source of the ingredients to the consumer, is recomnded. internet of things(IOT) has the power to revolutionize pharmaceutical manufacturing in procesess arranging from drug discovery to remote patient access and monitoring. A system creates an environment for automated delivery for medicines.

Challenges we ran into

IoT in the pharmaceutical sector is a revolutionary fighter. It aids pharmaceutical manufacturing, warehousing, packaging and supply chain management. IoT helps in enhancing the quality of product, reducing the errors in it, and increasing the productivity of pharmaceuticals.
The modern pharmaceutical industry is in dire need of fast, more accurate, and transparent operations. But most pharmaceutical companies are still using the traditional methods of operations that lack agility, accuracy, and transparency.
Reduced time to market:
robots are capable of accurate and rapid completion of repetitive tasks. Due to this speed, the collection of data generated in processes can be accelerated, and clints may proceed more rapidly.
to overcome this we made our rabot which can supply over a day time and night time both , where we exactly facing a problem is it wont move if any hurdles come to near of that so we kept sensor to work the both
