Airdrops Hub

Airdrops Hub

Automated Airdrops Farmer

Built at ETHDenver 2024
0x: First Prize

The problem Airdrops Hub solves

farming airdrops is a pain in the a*s! Imagine a platfrom that could farm airdrops automatically & 10x more effiecently

Challenges we ran into

  1. Figuring out the infra to build this where no user action is required!
  2. Figuring out the smart accounts & account abstration where it could work cross chain
  3. To automate things like bridging, swapping, & staking/unstaking automatically with hot accounts to smart accounts.
  4. Getting an aggregated & filtered data of top 80-90 airdrops
  5. Building a seamless Ui where it's not complex for the user

Tracks Applied (5)

Impact & Public Goods

Automated Airdrop Hunter streamlines access to crypto airdrops, ensuring equitable opportunity for all to participate in...Read More

Simplify DeFi with 0x APIs

Our Automated Airdrop Hunter revolutionizes DeFi airdrop farming by harnessing the power of the 0x swapping API, enablin...Read More


Build a Consumer Product

Our Automated Airdrop Hunter, leveraging Base's account abstraction, redefines the consumer experience in the blockchain...Read More


Build on Account Abstraction

Our Automated Airdrop Hunter, powered by Base, revolutionizes onchain interaction by integrating smart contract wallets ...Read More


Build with Wormhole SDKv2

Our Automated Airdrop Hunter utilizes the Wormhole SDKv2 to pioneer cross-chain airdrop farming with unparalleled ease. ...Read More


Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
