

overpower web3 transaction and defi operation by AI

Built at ETHIndia 2023

The problem AutoDefi solves

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title: AutoDefi: Simplifying DeFi with AI
  • Subtitle: Bridging the Gap between Decentralized Finance and Conversational AI
  • Presenter's Name/Team Name
  • Date

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Overview of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and its complexities.
  • Introduction to ChatGPT's capabilities.
  • Importance of AI integration in DeFi.

Slide 3: The Problem Statement

  • Challenges in DeFi: complexity, accessibility, and risk of user error.
  • Impact of these challenges on user adoption.
  • Need for a user-friendly approach in DeFi.

Slide 4: AutoDefi Solution

  • Description of AutoDefi as a solution.
  • Simplification of DeFi transactions using AI.
  • Benefits for user experience and error reduction.

Slide 5: Core Features

  • Natural Language Interface for easy interaction.
  • AI-driven transaction recommendations.
  • Personalized user experience.
  • Real-time market analysis.
  • Simplified interaction with smart contracts.

Slide 6: What We Have Built

  • Architecture of the AutoDefi system.
  • Integration details of ChatGPT with DeFi platforms.
  • Implemented security measures.

Slide 7: Demonstration

  • Live demonstration of AutoDefi.
  • Scenarios: Trading, portfolio management, market updates.

Slide 8: Benefits of AutoDefi

  • Enhanced accessibility in DeFi.
  • Reduction in errors and improved decision-making.
  • Personalized and informed DeFi interactions.

Slide 9: Future Roadmap

  • Upcoming features and improvements.
  • Possible expansions and collaborations.

Slide 10: Conclusion

  • Summary of key points.
  • Invitation for questions and feedback.

Challenges I ran into

Natural Language Interface: Interact with DeFi using everyday language
Automated Advice: AI-driven recommendations for transactions
Personalized Experience: Tailored suggestions based on user behavior and

Tracks Applied (14)

XDC Foundation Track

we are deploying contract and defi transactions this network

XDC Foundation

1inch Track

Defi operation are power by inch

1inch Network

Arbitrum Track

we are deploy contract and defi transaction this network


Polygon Track

we are deploying contract and defi transactions this network


Filecoin Track

we are deploying contract and defi transaction this network


Ethereum Foundation Track

we are deploying contract and defi transaction this network

Ethereum Foundation

Celo Track

we are deploying contract and defi transactions this network


Base Track

we are deploying contract and defi transactions this network


Alliance Track

Ai dapp and edution and defi opration simple


Push Protocol Track

Using for notification

Push Protocol

Mantle Network Track

we are deploying contract and defi transactions this networkAI

Mantle Network

MetaMask Track

using meatas sdk and lina blockchain and gas api


OKX Track

we are deploying contract and defi transaction this network


Scroll Track

we are deploying contract and defi transaction this network


Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
