From small tokens, vast treasures flow. Begin with a transaction, and watch your savings grow.

Built at ETHDenver 2024
Build on Linea - Prize(s)

The problem Auto HODL solves

Auto HODL revolutionizes the way users engage with decentralized finance (DeFi) by automating the savings process directly within their regular blockchain transactions. It simplifies the act of saving by seamlessly integrating a mechanism where a predefined small portion of tokens is allocated to a savings contract during each transaction the user makes. This approach makes saving as effortless as spending, encouraging a consistent saving habit without the need for users to manually transfer funds to a savings account.
The platform addresses several challenges in the current DeFi landscape:

  1. Encourages Saving: In a domain where the emphasis is often on trading and investing, Auto HODL introduces an easy way for users to save, fostering financial health and prudence within the blockchain ecosystem.
  2. Seamless Integration: By working with existing dApps and transactions, it removes the friction typically associated with setting aside savings, ensuring that users don’t have to alter their behavior or navigate away from their preferred platforms.
  3. Enhanced Security and Privacy: Through the use of smart contracts, users' savings are secure and transactions remain private, ensuring that only the user has access to their funds until the predetermined unlock date.
  4. Accessibility for All: Auto HODL is designed to be accessible, requiring no sophisticated knowledge of DeFi or savings strategies, making it a valuable tool for both seasoned traders and new entrants to the blockchain space.
  5. Future-Proof: With plans to integrate with MetaMask Snaps and account abstraction, Auto HODL is positioned to remain at the forefront of DeFi innovations, further simplifying and automating the savings process.
    In essence, Auto HODL makes saving an integral, yet unobtrusive, part of participating in DeFi, encouraging a culture of financial responsibility and security among blockchain users.

Challenges we ran into

In developing Auto HODL, we encountered significant hurdles, primarily with MetaMask Snaps under EIP-4337. These bugs disrupted our vision of seamless integration, prompting a pivot to a standalone UI solution.

MetaMask Snaps Integration: Our initial plan to use MetaMask Snaps for seamless integration hit roadblocks due to unpredictable behavior, necessitating the development of a standalone UI.

Integration Complexity: Integrating Auto HODL with diverse dApps proved challenging due to varying smart contract interfaces and transaction structures.

User Experience and Trust: Creating a standalone UI raised concerns about user experience and trust, prompting us to prioritize intuitive design and robust security measures.

Smart Contract Security: Security was paramount, leading to multiple external audits and rigorous testing to safeguard user savings.

Despite these challenges, we persevered, innovating to ensure Auto HODL's security and user-friendliness. Our experiences enriched our technical expertise, reinforcing Auto HODL as a secure, user-centric platform for automated savings.

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