Auoz is a BSV-20 v2 (BSV-21) token that represents the value of 1 ounce of gold, actually backed by the Bitcoin locked within the contract(s), it's similar to LTM but the unlock condition is reached only when current Oracle BSV/XAU rate >= 1.
- Collateral can be audited with certainity because it's Bitcoin (unlinke FIAT backed coins, USDT, USDC, etc..),
- Fair mint, every user locking BSVs gets the amount of tokens based on BSV/XAU rate at locking time
- To unlock your BSVs you need to send back to the contract the same amount of tokens you got when locking, that will be "burned"
The project is outlined in its main logic but still needs to be implemented fully. Some difficult steps to be completed are:
- Multicontract call to issue AuozFT tokens based on Auoz locked amount (Error: signature check failed, to be checked with sCrypt team)
- Enable Auoz lockStep2 only a predefined amount of time after lockStep1
- Manage referral payments on transactions
- Fully integrate with mobile/desktop wallets