Attendance System

Attendance System through Face Recognition

Created on 26th June 2021


Attendance System

Attendance System through Face Recognition

The problem Attendance System solves

As of January 2021, 90% classes are conducted in online mode where attendance is taken verbally.
If they are conducted in physical mode then attendance is taken either bio-metrically or verbally which might cause false marking of attendance.
Also, physical contact increases the risk of contamination related to Covid-19.

Face recognition nullifies the physical contact which in turn helps in reducing the risk of contamination realted to Covid-19.
It reduces the practice of false marking of attendance unlike in verbal mode.I
This also detects the time at which the face of the person is scanned.

Challenges we ran into

We faced challenges while importing the python libraries in our project which we were able to solve after trying different solutions and while creating the executable file of the project we faced errors.


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