Attendance management web application.

The easiest and fastest way to manage student attendance.

The problem Attendance management web application. solves

A dummy model for an attendance management system, the project includes:

  1. User login (Using WTForms and validators)
  2. Dropdown lists for the teacher's courses and classes.
  3. File uploads from local directory.
  4. Various techniques to analyse student attendance:
    i) View: Displays the entire attendance sheet.
    ii) Search by roll number: Searches for the student details based on his roll number.
    iii)Search by lecture: Displays attendance of all students for a particular lecture.
    iv) All present: Displays student details of those who have full attendance.
    v) All absent: Displays student details of those who have no attendance.

Challenges we ran into

Database connection, File handling using csv

Technologies used
