Asset Vault

Asset Vault

Make asset flow securely

Asset Vault

Asset Vault

Make asset flow securely

The problem Asset Vault solves

Asset Vault provides utilities to manage funds or assets in DAOs. The company needs to create a vault of investors' addresses mapped with shares (in percent %) according to their investment. So after the financial year, the admin has to push one button, and VOILA! It will send the funds to the members of the pool as per their shares. This dApp is enhanced with PUSH protocol so every time users get funds or assets they will receive a cool notification. Feel secure as Valist is here to maintain our releases.

Challenges we ran into

  • We encountered with few errors while integrating smart contract and PUSH protocol. Then assigned same address as alias verification to create the channel.
  • It was challenging task to connect PUSH SDKs with the confirmation of transactions.

Tracks Applied (5)

Push Protocol

Push Protocol

General Storage Track

Protocol Labs





Metamask Snaps

