Alumni Profile Website

Alumni Website where Alumi can Register Him/Her Self into the data base of College ,So that College can be connected with all Alumni.Also any one Can chat with others and can publish events details.

The problem Alumni Profile Website solves

We have created a web application for helping college to stay connected with alumni.
In our web app college has old data of alumnies.
Alumni can visit the website and then he/she can first register him/her self where we have to authenticate with the college data which we have stored into fire base,after registration he/she have to create a password for her/his profile so that in future he/she can directly go to their profile.
After login a alumni profile page will appear where every thing about him/her self will be give for exp: Passing Year , Work experience, current position, profile photo, and all . He/she can change any detail given there. This will be only for alumni other can't change the details. In the main page a search section is there where anyone can search for alumni by just typing passing year of alumni. They can watch alumni full profile.
Also there is a chat app what u can create a personal group and any one can join into that by that connections can increase and also there would be a event section where u can add any ceremony event details or and imp event so that every one can join that event .

Challenges we ran into

The biggest problem we faced was creating a search engine which can filter out the Alumni's profile on the basis of their Batch and Name which then redirect to a new page from where we can redirect to particular Alumni's profile by clicking on the link.
We stuck into data base things ,means we had lots of data to fetch and manage into the web-page avoid overlapping and all.
We faced a problem relalted to firebase storege. The firebase storage had some rules we had to edit,but we dint know that. So initially while uploading the profile pic to storage, we were getting 403 error, but finally we found the solution and were able to complete the profile picture part.
Another major problem we faced as a team was that we had to solve a lot of merge conflicts while we were pushing our work in github,so a lot of time was wasted in that part also.
