asistencia automatica

Face recognition for automatic attendance system


asistencia automatica

Face recognition for automatic attendance system

The problem asistencia automatica solves

It solves these kinds of problems
1-Mistakes are always in a way of humans,if in an organization there is
Strict need that only allowed people can enter the organizations ,such as banks ,schools,laboratories in such places their is a strict need of this system.
2-also security personals can cheat on sometimes,such as they can be easily influenced by thieves in a bank to let them enter into the bank.
3-biometric is not a viable option now as due to corona maintaining social distancing is next to impossible in such system.
4-in most of the colleges and schools,their is a system of barcode attendence ,now in such a system other person can come with an id of other and the system cannot recognise this ,so this can lead to forgery.

Challenges we ran into

while test running the project initially the app wasn't able to capture the face
and showed error that cv2 has attribute named 'face'.
we tried installing opencv but with no success

it was fixed by using
pip install --force-reinstall opencv-contrib-python==

Technologies used
