Low and constant Listing Price
, High listing prices take away from Lister’s profit. Artist’sPlace solves this by making the listing price less than a dollar(0.00025 ETH)
.Unique art
, NFT collections are very similar looking. This can be avoided by forcing the digital artist to fill a form before uploading every NFT.Polygon
, Deploying smart contracts on polygon solves the issue. Gas fees are very low. In addition to that transactions are very fast.Variable Royalties
, This can be solved by imposing high royalties on high profits and low royalties on low profits.Faced errors setting react and hardhat together.
Faced a polyfill error. Solved it by installing dev dependencies and modifying webpack.config.js in react-scripts.
Gh-pages reload error: gh-pages throws 404 on reloading any other page except the homepage. Solved it by adding 404.html.
Some minor errors while writing the smart contract.