Created on 20th February 2022
Our Name 📛
Savante Arrhenius was Swedish Scientist was the first to determine increasing carbon dioxide are responsible for the Earth’s increasing surface temperature. That’s how we named our project as Arrhenius.
What it is? 🤨
Arrhenius is a social earning and interactive climate change educational app. User will be able to post what they had done in a day to slow down the climate change and those posts will be integrated with their ETH Wallet address so anyone who feels that the user is doing a great work can send crypto to their wallet. Now, whenever a user will get money in their wallet from someone, they will get values (like we get followers in Instagram) and those values will tell other users that he do good work to protect environment.
Philosophy 🙄
The main idea is – when you see on social networks like YT or IG where people start sharing content just for fun and now turned into big companies or finds their true passion.
Same will happen here, these values will boost people's confidence that they can do something for the climate change.
Also... 😏
Also, we are trying to implement interactive educational content related to climate change where user will learn about what small step she can take in a day to protect earth by interacting with Alan AI’s powered animal bots.
Animal bots like polar bear bot & panda bot will try to tell user their stories that how they got affected by human’s misdeeds and what user can do to protect them.
Alan will make the app smart and interactive. We will be using it in telling user the prices of ETH coin when she will be trying to make any transaction through their wallet. It will also be used to tell the latest climate news.
Integrating ALAN AI in the android app was new for us and training a AI model according to what user will going to input- was a bit challenging.
Integration of Web3j to create a wallet, transfer money from one wallet to other was challenging for us.
Adding features like value button so that user can send crypto to others and the integration of web3j wallet addresses with the Firebase Firestore was also challenging.
How to ...🐺
Login Activity will authenticate you with google Firebase Authentication.
Home Fragment- here you can see different posts releated to climate change and add value with ETH.
Wallet Fragment- create your own eth wallet, check your wallet balance and send eth to the people who you think are reducing climate change. Alan your voice assistent will guide you here about the prices of the crytos.
Educate Fragment- Learn in the form of stories through voice assistent Alan about the diffrent animals that how they are affected by climate change. Talk with them and improve the society for them.
Also, get to know about latest Climate change news through you voice assistent Alan.
Profile Fragment- Check your profile, your bio, your likes and most improtantly your values which denotes that how with small steps you can change the world.