Created on 23rd March 2022
Usual custodians availabel in real world are some kind of Financial insitutions.
You have to trust these institutes with your assets.
With Arch911, we use Smart Contact which acts like vault.
This is a trust-less Custodian.
There are two players/users who work with Arch911
Depositors - who deposit funds.
Watchers - anyone can create watch on any deposit.
These Watchers get alerts if there is a withdrawal request.
Anyone can create deposit. (minimum 0.1 ETH accepted)
Arch911 is Custodian like vault that holds and protects your asset.
You can keep deposit for as long as you want.
Anyone can create watch on top of any deposits by paying 0.000911 ETH.
Once the depositor(owner of deposit) submits request to withdraw,
0.0000911 ETH is sent to all watchers to alert them.
Two things happens :
Only after 9 days depositor can come back to Arch911 & withdraw deposited funds.
When final withdraw happens, again 0.0000911 ETH is sent to all watchers as an alert.
I started hackathon week with multiple ideas. Spent first week working & exploring different idea.
Did lot of research to find best usage of solidity storage. It still needs lot of optimisation. There is room for improvement. Also security aspect is not anlysed.
###Failed trial at Scaffold-ETH
I started learning Solidity, brownie and related web3 stack since last 3 months. Before this hackathon had never worked on frontend for web3. After spending lot of unsuccessful efforts on useDapp + React, decided to move to Sacaffold-ETH. This took away another week. Unfortunately was not able to complete frontend part of the project.
###Failed attempt at using useDapp + React + Typescript
I started learning Solidity, brownie and related web3 stack since last 3 months. Before this hackathon had never worked on frontend for web3. After spending lot of unsuccessful efforts on useDapp + React, decided to move to Sacaffold-ETH. This took away another week. Unfortunately was not able to complete frontend part of the project. Eventually since dealine was extended by week, I was able to move to different stack HARDHAT + React + ether.js