AR and P-Spice Based Circuit Simulator

Simple Solution for Complex Connections

The problem AR and P-Spice Based Circuit Simulator solves

We aimed to create an environment that will enable user to interact with 3D circuits as if they were real circuits with real interactable components. Our plan is to create an environment with the help of AR to solve the problem of not being able to receive the practical education that we were supposed to. We have tried to accomplish this by creating a complete classroom like environment using AR and .NET Core. In this 3D avatars of students and teacher will be present in a real world environment where teacher can observe the students performing the experiment in real time and could interact with them. This will help students understand their practicals even in online classes. For the students like us whose education have been compromised due to this pandemic will no longer lack the practical knowledge using this application. It will help also students with poor financial background who cannot afford to go to schools or colleges. With growing AR technology our product will be very useful to accomplish many targets in the education field to teach students virtually with the help of interactive 3D models just like in real world labs. Recently Jio has launched Jio glasses in which we can implement our application.

Challenges we ran into

There were a number of hurdles we ran into but it would take a lot of words to mention all of them. So keeping the word limit in mind, we will be mentioning the hurdles we encountered. Our first challenge was in creating wire connections in between the circuit components. We had a little bit idea of the line renderer component used in Unity3d, so we read some documentation regarding that some youtube reference videos. And then it finally worked out. Ofcourse it was not in the first attempt. It was a hours of nagging and head butting but we figured it out. The next challenge was to host a local server so that we could connect the teachers and students. None of us had any idea of networking or servers. Since Unity is a game engine it has made things compatible for multiplayer games, and what we wanted to do was not much different. But still we had to go through the documentation and youtube videos to setup a local server in out system. This was done using the .NetCore. We managed to pull that off. Now came the task of creating a database using Firebase. That is exactly not that much of a difficult task to perform but for some reason the android SDK was throwing some error about JAVA_HOME variable not found. So we had to debug that. We googled the error an found that it was some environment variable issue. We fixed that and our firebase authentication was complete. Finally all was left to do was to connect the user to the local server and spawn an avatar. Still this project is far from complete. In this span of two days we were really able to accelerate the growth our project.
