Created on 4th April 2021
Groundwater, which is in aquifers below the surface of the Earth, is one of the Nation's most important natural resources.
As we are unaware of our groundwater quality and its importance , we are consuming the polluted water which is taking toll on our health , agriculture and every sector of our living.
Addressing the above issue , we came up with an idea to educate people about their groundwater quality by creating a web interface.
OBJECTIVE: Our aim is to provide a platform to analyse the chemical details of groundwater.
1.AQUA.ANALYST is a platform which aims to provide detailed insights of the chemical components of their water sample to the users.
2.Will let your value compare with the nearby locations
3.Detailed relationships and correlational patterns of the components
4.A peek into articles related to the topic
5.Various visualisations to compare water quality in different states
6.Insights and visuals on effect of agriculture and crop production due to chemical components
1.Challenge : Insufficient data for groundwater
Solution : We adapted crude data mining methods and algorithms to study data
Challenge : Integrating other frameworks with streamlit
Solution : We improvised our UI with different components