

APT-Casino brings the excitement of a fair and transparent Fully On-Chain Casino Experience to the blockchain, leveraging Aptos for randomness and seamless cross-chain integration. Powered by Okto.

The problem APT-Casino solves

Traditional online casinos often lack transparency, and players have to trust the platform's integrity without any verifiable proof of fairness. Issues like rigged games, hidden terms like bonus wager limits, and withdrawal restrictions are common, causing players to lose trust. APT-Casino leverages Aptos blockchain technology to solve these problems by providing transparent and provably fair gaming experiences.

Enhanced Transparency and Security
Transparency and Security is highly prioritized for newcomers in web3 gambling. APT-Casino utilizes robust security features of Aptos & Okto's wallet infrastructure to protect user assets from unauthorized access.

Easy Onboarding
New users often face difficulties in setting up wallets and understanding how to use blockchain. APT-Casino simplifies the onboarding process by using Aptos Pedra & Okto's easy-to-use wallet solution, making it accessible for users of all technical backgrounds. This helps in attracting more players to platform and ensures a smooth start for new users.

Fair-Play Games
APT-Casino features a variety of fair-play casino games, as a proof of concept we developed roulette game and we will replicate same approach to introduce new games. By using Aptos for on-chain randomness for roluette, APT-Casino ensures that game outcomes are transparent and provably fair. Players can trust that they are playing in a fair environment, free from manipulation.

Seamless Cross-Chain Integration
Managing assets across different blockchains is often hectic at user side. APT-Casino addresses this by offering seamless cross-chain integration, allowing players to transfer and manage assets between Aptos and other supported networks effortlessly using Pedra and Okto.

By solving these problems, APT-Casino provides a comprehensive, secure, and user-friendly gaming platform that aligns perfectly with mission and vision of Aptos. It sets a new standard for transparency, fairness, and security in online gambling industry.

Challenges we ran into

Implementing On-Chain Randomness
Ensuring fair play in the casino games was critical, and implementing on-chain randomness was a significant challenge. We utilized Aptos randomness module: aptos_framework::randomness to achieve provably fair outcomes for our games. This required a deep understanding of the randomness mechanisms and careful integration into our smart contracts. All though the docs provided by the Aptos were super useful.

Wallet Integration and User Experience
Integrating Pedra and Okto's embedded wallet technology presented its own set of challenges. We had to ensure that the wallet packages and versions were compatible to our needs. We worked closely with couple of friends who were previously part of Aptos Winter School IIT Bombay for Pedra integration and aptos github to resolve integration issues and optimize the wallet's functionality for our needs.

Ensuring Cross-Chain Compatibility
One of the major challenges we faced was ensuring smooth cross-chain compatibility. Integrating multiple blockchains and facilitating seamless asset transfers between them required meticulous planning and extensive testing.

Security and Testing
Ensuring the security of our platform was a top priority, but it also posed significant challenges. We conducted extensive smart contract testing via test scripts and code reviews to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities. Implementing robust security measures for user funds and encryption of on-chain data was crucial.

User Onboarding
Simplifying the onboarding process for new users was another challenge. Many users are not familiar with blockchain technology and can find it intimidating. We focused on creating a user-friendly interface and streamlined the onboarding process with Aptos Pedra and Okto easy-to-use wallet solution. This involved iterative design and testing to ensure a smoother user experience.
