

Voice Your Opinion, Maintain Your Privacy - Where Your Views Matter, Not Your Data

Built at ETHIndia 2023

The problem Apolls solves

It hard for people to voice their openion in a society were majority of people are against their openion , Apolls will record their openion without recording their personal data. so they can voice their openion without worrying about privacy.

Challenges I ran into

  1. the first issue i ran into was crypto package, so rather than using crypot i used an alternative to create a 20 bytes key for my app (key needed for anon-aadhaar).
  2. their was an issue in the docs of anon-aadhaar were we needed to deploy a contract called AnonAadhaarVerifier , in their docs the abi was not provided so i took the contract from examples and deployed it myself.
  3. I faced some issue when putting data in the pi-chart

Tracks Applied (2)

Ethereum Foundation Track

I have used anon-aadhaar (which is project on ethereum) to make sure that, only those people can paritcipate in polling ...Read More

Ethereum Foundation

The Graph Track

I have used Thegraph to create a subgraph for my APolls application , were it records which openion has game how much vo...Read More

The Graph

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
