We tried to make a site that helps in spreading awareness for healthcare. We provide the best doctor's contact numbers, and some basic health tips that one should follow in day to day busy schedule .
Our website is efficient enough to give an insight into latest health trends and medical-tech advancements.It provides information regarding the policies and regulations issued by IRDAI
It also shows the current statistics of life threatening diseases in india.
One segment of the website is the disease probability calculator, which is made in python program that basically asks a person to select the symptoms they are having and the calculator gives them the probability of having a particular disease. due to lack of time and some technical skills, we have made a prototype for this using 5 diseases and 21 different symptoms. The user is asked to input the symptoms by the menu-driven part of the program and then each disease id is checked . Finally, the calculator provides the probability in percentage for each of the diseases the patient may have. The program we made is very primitive but it can surely be improved with proper time and skills.
while writing the program, we first used some conventional methods of programming but later we learned that we have some inbuilt functions which made our work neater and easier. While coding for the probability calculator in the 1st step, multiple lists were used to complete the task but then we realized that making a list of lists would be a better alternative than to use multiple lists, and that was implemented on our final code. Another problem we faced was the lack of skills in some areas such as database linking and how to interconnect two platforms such as a program written in python to be connected with the website using buttons or a dropdown menu.
Problems occurred during website making: