Communicating with privacy

Created on 19th November 2022



Communicating with privacy

The problem ANONYMUSK solves

While many people are taking many things to moon, privacy and freeedom of speech is still compromised. Anonymusk allows you to communicate anonymously while protecting your data and enabling your freedom of speech.
How we tackle fake news?
We plan to generate alerts, if news is fake or not. But we will not restrict people to share their views .
https://www.canva.com/design/DAFSZpblzV4/Ot4Zri_2TVwQyP12BV-5iw/edit?utm_content=DAFSZpblzV4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton (vdo link)

Challenges we ran into

We were new to Web 3.0. So the initial set up was tricky but once we managed that we tackled through.**


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