Created on 16th July 2023
problems that exist:
How Our Product Solves These Pain Points:
It was hard to figure out how to solve the commitment of trade and betrayal. We had to create smart contracts to enable this functionality and deal with cases separately, where the buyer could betray the trade once committed or the seller could betray the trade.
We solved this problem by implementing a staking algorithm. Once both parties have agreed to a trade, they have to stake their own cryptocurrency into a stake pot.
Whoever betrays the contract will face monetary punishment as they will lose their stake. The other party facing the betrayal and loss of time is compensated with the staked money. There is facilitation to terminate the commitment if both parties have agreed to terminate it.
when the trade has been completed, both parties can close the order. The entire stake pot is then sent to the seller which includes his own stake as well as the buyers and the trade is complete.
The trade is also time constrained and is terminated accordingly covering all the edge cases.