

AniQuiz is a simple and intuitive quiz web app. The questions are centered around popular anime trivia.

Created on 8th January 2023



AniQuiz is a simple and intuitive quiz web app. The questions are centered around popular anime trivia.

The problem AniQuiz solves

Quiz apps are popular and interactive software applications that have been used in various educational settings. In general, quiz apps can function as formative learning tools that enable learners to (self-)monitor gains in achievement scores and that help them to develop cognitive processes related to self-regulated learning. An effective and efficient way of learning with quiz apps is to process multiple-choice tests in single-choice format, which requires learners to identify the correct response option from several options. This test format can support long-term retrieval.
The main selling point of AniQuiz is simple- it is fun. We all know that if learning is fun, we learn better. Although the questions are centered around anime trivia, the app itself can contain questions from any domain.

Challenges I ran into

As a beginner I faced several challenges as it was my first time participating in a Hackathon. Time management was my biggest issue. I had planned to add a backend to the project and several other features but due to time constraints, I ended up scrapping most of the salient features in order to submit a working project.
As this project was mainly centered around state management, like most Frontend web apps, I had to brush up my Redux knowledge, since I don't have much experience using a state management library, even simple concepts like creating a new action type, to add an action handler for that in reducer, every time we have to import the appropriate action creator, create action and dispatch it, was not that easy. Due to my lack of experience, implementing even simple features took a long amount of time and I encountered several errors.

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