Turn reviews into actionable intelligence

The problem solves

  • Time-saving and efficient: Automates review data analysis, freeing up users from the tedious and time-consuming task of manual labor, enabling them to allocate their valuable time to more strategic initiatives.
  • User-friendly: Designed with an accessible and intuitive interface, making it suitable for users of all skill levels, regardless of their technical expertise or experience.
  • Actionable insights: Delivers clear and actionable guidance, providing users with the necessary information to make informed decisions, empowering them to take strategic actions that drive business growth.
  • Trend identification: Uncovers patterns in customer behavior, preferences, and market influences, enabling users to gain a comprehensive understanding of their target audience and market dynamics, allowing them to adapt their strategies accordingly.
  • Informed purchasing: Empowers users with the ability to conduct thorough research and gain a deep understanding of customer perspectives before making purchases, ensuring they make informed decisions that align with customer needs and preferences.
  • YouTube with AI insights: Extracts key points and trends from videos, even in unfamiliar languages, seamlessly integrated into YouTube browsing, providing users with valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, regardless of language barriers.
  • Chrome extension: Offers convenient access to insights directly from product pages, enabling users to make informed purchasing decisions on the spot, eliminating the need for extensive research and saving valuable time.
  • Multilingual availability: Supports multiple languages, allowing users to access insights and conduct analysis in their preferred language, breaking down language barriers and enabling global collaboration.

Challenges we ran into

  • Data Acquisition:
    Scraping huge amounts of data efficiently in real-time: Efficiently scraping and processing a large volume of real-time review data was a significant challenge. To overcome this, we distributed the processing tasks across cloud-based resources, allowing us to handle the computational demands and scale efficiently.

  • Data Storage and Retrieval:
    Fast retrieval of data: Retrieving and analyzing large datasets quickly was another hurdle. We implemented a Redis caching solution to store frequently accessed data in memory, significantly improving retrieval speed and overall responsiveness.

  • Model Development and Training:
    Fine-tuning data transformers for multilingual sentiment analysis: Performing sentiment analysis on reviews in multiple languages required us to adapt existing data transformers to our specific use case. We achieved this by fine-tuning the transformer models on multilingual labeled datasets, ensuring they could accurately capture sentiment nuances across different languages.
