

Food for Everyone

Created on 12th February 2023



Food for Everyone

The problem Anaaj solves

In my college, the midday meals program is, unfortunately, being wasted on a regular basis. Despite the food being nutritious and clean, it is being thrown in the drainage after being served to the students. This is a significant waste of resources and effort, as the food has been procured and prepared to nourish and support the students. It is not clear why the food is being wasted, but it could be due to a number of factors such as overproduction, mismanagement, or a lack of interest in the food being served. It is important that steps are taken to address this issue and find ways to reduce the wastage of the midday meals program in the schools of Karnataka.

One potential solution to the problem of midday meal wastage in colleges is to connect colleges with leftover meals to community members who are in need of food. This can be done through a food recovery and donation program that coordinates the delivery of leftover meals from colleges to community members. The program could involve volunteers from local community organizations, such as Rotaract clubs, who can help to collect and distribute the food. This not only helps to reduce food waste and improve food security in the community, but it also provides an opportunity for volunteers to get involved in a meaningful and impactful service project. By working together, colleges and the community can find a solution to the problem of midday meal wastage and make a positive difference in the lives of those in need.

Challenges we ran into

In development, every step is challenging, from building a team to modeling app flow & to complete the product. From data modeling to server setup to implementing authentication, etc.
Given the time constraint we ran into many challenges, a few notable ones are:

Setting up the notifications architecture
Given the nature of our app, notifications related to food availability must be quickly sent to all involved parties (Donor institutions, receiver institutions, volunteers) to ensure the food stays fresh.
To solve this we used Firebase Cloud Messaging which we call from an HTTP endpoint hosted on Google cloud functions to send notifications to the respective users
The most challenging part was implementing FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) & integrating with orders & performing cloud computation as well as cloud messaging hand in hand.
To manage all these situations plus some additional, implementing various complex states & reflecting into the app was one more major challenge.
Handling last-minute challenges, issues, bugs, internet handling situations, etc. are some misc. challenges


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