Created on 30th September 2022
our main aim is to help our part in rural areas in the field of medication.
where access to a hospital is difficult. it makes disease recognition easier just by entering the symptoms of the victim.
it not only gives the disease but also gives a list of diseases with a probability of them having that disease.
it provides the disease crux and description of the disease for a quick reference, user can always google once he got the list.
we couldn't find enough data to train our model then we had to remove some symptoms and diseases to make sure the model could narrow down the diseased.
we thought of using ANN ( artificial neural networks) but the hardware power we have was not enough to train them hence we had to go for a random forest classifier.
In the front end, we faced some issues with multi-select bar
while displaying diseases we had an issue while displaying each disease separately, but we used flexbox to correct that
we got a CORS error while integrating API to the front end so we had to remake the entire API using the flask framework so that it would allow CORS origin.