Ambulance Booking System - EmergiTrack

Ambulance Booking System - EmergiTrack

The Ambulance Booking System is an innovative solution designed to streamline the process of booking and tracking ambulances efficiently.The system consists of three portals: User,Hospital,and Driver.

Created on 28th May 2023

Ambulance Booking System - EmergiTrack

Ambulance Booking System - EmergiTrack

The Ambulance Booking System is an innovative solution designed to streamline the process of booking and tracking ambulances efficiently.The system consists of three portals: User,Hospital,and Driver.

The problem Ambulance Booking System - EmergiTrack solves

The Ambulance Booking System solves several key problems related to emergency medical services and ambulance dispatch:

  1. Improved Response Time: By providing a centralized platform for users to request ambulances, the system eliminates delays caused by manual phone calls or miscommunication. It ensures that ambulance requests are promptly received, processed, and dispatched, resulting in faster response times during emergencies.

  2. Efficient Resource Allocation: The system enables hospitals to manage ambulance requests effectively by assigning the available ambulance to each case. This optimized resource allocation ensures that ambulances are utilized efficiently, reducing idle time and maximizing their availability to cater to a higher volume of emergencies.

  3. User Convenience and Accessibility: With the user portal, individuals in need of emergency can easily request an ambulance from their location using a simple interface.

  4. Accurate Documentation: The system maintains a comprehensive record of ambulance requests, dispatches, and arrival times. This accurate documentation assists in monitoring response performance, analyzing trends, and generating reports for quality control, resource planning, and data-driven decision-making.

Overall, the Ambulance Booking System addresses the challenges of delayed response, inefficient resource allocation, communication gaps, and inadequate documentation in emergency medical services. By solving these problems, the system enhances the effectiveness, efficiency, and reliability of ambulance bookings, contributing to improved emergency healthcare outcomes.

Challenges I ran into

During the development and implementation of the ambulance booking project, I encounter several challenges:-

  1. First challenge i encountered during package installation, there was version issue, in the latest version of "node-fetch" , fetching data from url using fetch(url) function not working , it gives error. To resolve this problem i install 2.9 version of "node-fetch".

  2. Second Challege i faced during finding best unpaid API's for fetching all hospitals in 60-70km range,sending autogenerated email,sending verification code through messages,finding latitude and logitude of selected location,etc. After doing lots of research, i find foursquare api for hospital fetching, opencage api for finding lat and long of selected location, vonage(nexomo) api for sending verification code and many more.

  3. Also faced some problem , to make communication between all three portals in realtime, but this problem resolved by using mongodb after creating doing deep analysis on schema of our system(ambulance booking).

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