
Learn and Contribute

Created on 10th April 2021



Learn and Contribute

The problem Alute solves

Problem Statement
During the pandemic era, everyone is at courtesy of social help and this requires a large number of contributions from people. But doing this physically is not feasible. Working in CS requires being able to work efficiently in teams. But many students just slack off as they are unable to form/find a team. There’s also lack of social awareness towards nature and how important contributions are, may those be for social good or personal development for a student. With Alute, we aim at tackling both of these problems with a single solution.

Our solution
Alute - Learn and Contribute where users will easily be able to find projects and teams, or create a new one too. Creating and joining will be totally customized and easy. Using the credits they earn on our platform, they can be a part of social contributions as well get personal benefits. With a structured way to work and incentives provided to users to complete their projects, it is a win-win situation for all.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges we faced:

  1. Ideation and deciding the features to be implemented took a lot of time.
  2. Designing a lot of webpages and implementing it within such short duration was a major challenge in itself.
  3. Integrating frontend and backend with proper routes and requests. We ran into lot of bugs and server was crashing very frequently. Debugging the code and making server run smoothly was another challenge we faced.
  4. With respect to chatbot, we had to generate our own custom data, which is a tedious task and again consumed huge amount of time.
  5. Once, that was done, increasing the accuracy and choosing the most efficient and best bit model was another challenge that we faced.
  6. Integrating the python code for ML with backend in JS was our ultimatum.

We faced a lot of challenges, but also learned a lot of things while trying to overcome them and hence we are satisfied with out work!


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