Alumni Portal System

This is community based alumnus student interaction webapp .Solve commuication gap between alumnus and student.Also Also provide information about Seminar by Alumnus ,hosted in College.

Created on 29th February 2020


Alumni Portal System

This is community based alumnus student interaction webapp .Solve commuication gap between alumnus and student.Also Also provide information about Seminar by Alumnus ,hosted in College.

The problem Alumni Portal System solves

Main Problem I think the project overcomes is gap between Alumni and student of college i.e There is poor contact between them . Now with this project Student can view her details like (Branch , Specilization ,Contact number) Since studnet get data of alumni of thier specialization Student with the same interest can take help in their learning path .(Mentorship) . Secondly, detail about Seminar hosted by our alumnus would not be know to student hence public in seminar also less . There is mismatch . In the Portal Professor can added the event student can view them . Future Aspect We use linkedin APi and fetch the alumni data and show in our portal as we know also Professional data is available . Student can follow alumni in our portal and in DAshboard Student get data of the Alumni.

Challenges we ran into

First Problem we came across while building How to strucure the view of website Since there is three type of users in our portal ALumni ,Students and Profesor . how to manage them . So we think we create seperate account of each users and accoriding to their predecided role ,We assign them view. It basicaly we idealize the design by our random thoughts.

Secondly, First time we add a feature of uploading video with nodejs and We don't know how to use nodejs to integrate that feature. So We take help of Goolge and Youtube . Understand what happening there. Then implementing the code accordingly.
basically this feature let student to watch previous seminar of their category which they did not watch due to emergency.


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