
Collaborate, Code and Compile



Collaborate, Code and Compile

The problem All_In_One_Collab solves

Git is a great collaboration tool but it is not easy to keep clean commit histories and to avoid branch conflicts for non-avid developers and this is where All_In_One_Collab excels . We make it easier to collaborate with pair programming , a custom ide and a blog where code can be compiled and posted straight from our own IDE . The blogs also accept multimedia content which helps the author better explain their blog and code . There is also a chatbot assistant which is based on RAG this is a pipeline that is constantly updated with information from all the blogs on the site and can help better understanding the content. There is also the easy commit feature which is similar to git but limited number of threads or branches are possible that can change the existing blog if there are for example some version changes and the code needs to be changed the updated version appears below the original version .

Challenges we ran into

There were several problems along the way like we were initially thinking of implementing our own compiler but that turned out to be difficult to implement in 36 hrs so it took us time to find the right API to implement for our compiler. Pair Programming had a separate host from the react app and the server and integrating that was a problem that we solved . Then also the implementation of Pair Programming we were trying to implement sockets which would have been a technically cleaner solution but that did not work out so we had to rethink that part and ended up implementing it using a javascript API. Finally a huge number of errors while integrating everything .
