Algorithm Visualizer

Algorithm Visualizer

A web application, that lets you play with complex algorithms. User's gets to visualize working of algorithms, at different speeds, and different setups.


Created on 2nd October 2022

Algorithm Visualizer

Algorithm Visualizer

A web application, that lets you play with complex algorithms. User's gets to visualize working of algorithms, at different speeds, and different setups.

The problem Algorithm Visualizer solves

Visualize working of famous algorithms, Currently Implemented Path Finding (Dijkstra's, A Star, BFS, DFS) Sorting (Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge, Quick, Heap)

Challenges I ran into

-I was new to JS, and creating such a complex application was a complete headache.
-Both I and my partners are backend developers. We struggled a lot in making an interactive UI so that people can easily understand and use the application.

Technologies used


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