Alicia joined the Opolis employment commons so that she would have access to the kinds of benefits you usually get from an employer.
- Has life and disability insurance through Opolis
- Wants to create a letter to her family they can access if she becomes incapacitated
- Describes Opolis and contains information about the disability policies
- Wants the parts of the letter that contain sensitive information to only be available after she dies
- Describes Opolis, the benefits, and how to access her account
- Opolis also wants to know if she dies
- They need to stop her benefits and put her account in an inactive status
How does Alfred help?
- Using the Opolis API, Alfred dApp grabs the appropriate details from Opolis API and fills in templates for the letter.
- Alicia also provides the contact information (and public keys) of her brother Billy
- Alicia encrypts the parts of the letter that Billy can access at any time with her ‘incapacitated’ key.
- She encrypts the sensitive data with her ‘death’ key.
- Each of the encrypted blobs are stored on Textile.
- Re-encryption keys are generated and registered with Alfred dApp, stored off-chain
- Alfred smart contract tracks all components of Alicia’s document and tracks her status
What happens when Alicia is disabled?
- Billy notifies Alfred that Alicia is incapacited
- Using the re-encryption key provided by Alicia, Alfred grants permission to the appropriate files using NuCypher
- Billy grabs the documents from NuCypher and files claims with the disability insurance providers
- When Alicia recovers, she resets her status from ‘incapacitated’ to ‘normal’
What happens if Alicia dies?
- Alfred detects Alicia’s death with Endowl’s Life Event Monitor
- Opolis is notified and sets Alicia’s account to inactive
- Billy requests Alicia’s letter about her Opolis life insurance
- Using the re-encryption key provided by Alicia, Alfred grants permission to the appropriate files us
NuCypher Ursulas don't have the ability to check on-chain state. Ideally, an Ursula could be directed to check Alice's death oracle prior to re-keying data that should only be available to Bob after Alice dies. This helps to mitigate the trust that Alice has to grant Alfred/Endowl that her data will only be revealed at the appropriate time.
We also encountered an bug in NuCypher when Alfred tried to re-encrypt a message by using a re-encryption key created by Alice. The Ursula threw an exception and it would not work as expected. After much discussion with the Nucypher team, we decided to implement a 'stub' to emulate the desied behavior from Nucypher. When this bug is fixed, we intend to use Nucypher in the Endowl system.