It is an Energy Monitor for the common man with Alexa Integration so that they can use it at all times and access the data in it readily

The problem ALEXA WATT solves

The common man can get a better idea and visualize the data(i.e Current and Power Consumption of the Device )
helps people to see or understand where the Power Loss occurs in a device
It helps people to monitor and rectify the issues in there Socket points
It gives the user total control over the socket and helps during power outtages

Challenges we ran into

Sensor Calibration:
The Sensor we used were SCT-013-030 it requires alot of calibration from both hardware and software side thereby making it a hectic task.
We rectified it using a multimeter and repeated testing of the values.

Alexa Integration:
It was a complicated procedure as it cannot be done easily and the complicity used by the AWS services
We rectified it using a third party app called VoiceFlow
