In this current pandemic scenario, most of the users are using their pcs
to do their work and store important files related to their work, projects and
accounts. Even kids around age of 5-16years are downloading lots of
important files through internet and exploring their world of education and
we are unable to secure those files and folders. we don’t have any proper
authenticated system to secure all those files
so we came up with a solution called “AKIRA- system secured vault” where
we can save our files and folders like how we save all the stuff in a personal vault
With this application we can lock our important documents and files using
authentication process like face lock or email otp.
AKIRA will collect primary information from the user like face biometric, emailid, password. Which will be encrypted using sha algorithm and saved in the system. while using authenticated process it will ensure that the user is authorizedor not
In face recognition process the system is capable of detecting and recognizing
face in live acquired images. For alternative method user can use email-otp to
importing libraries , bulid face recognition models ,linking kivy and thinker in single application
Technologies used