(WittyHacks 3.0 Winning Project) (WittyHacks 3.0 Winning Project)

Waste has Physical Existence and it requires hardware for detection, Here Geeks.js presents a fantastic solution using IOT


The problem (WittyHacks 3.0 Winning Project) solves

👋 Welcome to our project, AirIQ!
Waste has Physical Existence and it requires hardware for detection. Here Geeks.js presents a fantastic solution using IOT.

🔍 Purpose of Project:
Our project is aimed at detecting the amount or concentration of different types of gases like carbon monoxide, butane, methane, etc. in the gas generated by waste like sewage water etc. We aim to provide an efficient and cost-effective solution for monitoring gas emissions in waste management facilities.

💡 Approach:
Our approach involves the use of sensors to detect the different types of gases emitted by waste. The data collected by the sensors is then sent to a backend using an API. The backend processes the data and generates live and historical data visualizations to help track gas emissions and identify potential issues.

🔧 Working:
AirIQ uses a combination of sensors and an API to provide real-time data on the gas emissions of waste management facilities. The sensors are placed at strategic locations around the facility to collect data on the different types of gases emitted by the waste. The data is then sent to a backend using an API. The backend processes the data and generates live and historical data visualizations that can be used to identify potential issues and track gas emissions over time.

🚀 Getting Started:
To get started with AirIQ, you will need to set up the device. The device can be placed at strategic locations around the waste management facility to collect data on the different types of gases emitted by the waste. The data can then be sent to the backend using an API. Once the data is processed by the backend, live and historical data visualizations can be generated to track gas emissions over time. All these records can be easily analysed through our website.

Challenges I ran into

🔧 Working:
AirIQ uses a combination of sensors and an API to provide real-time data on the gas emissions of waste management facilities. The sensors are placed at strategic locations around the facility to collect data on the different types of gases emitted by the waste. The data is then sent to a backend using an API. The backend processes the data and generates live and historical data visualizations that can be used to identify potential issues and track gas emissions over time.
