Air Class

Making education fun

The problem Air Class solves

Air Class, your virtual instructor and companion is here to provide assistance in academics as well as martial arts for you, with the luxury of staying indoors. It uses the technology of Augmented Reality. Augmented reality is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that exist in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information.
~It will help students to learn and understand complex working and diagrams with the power of AR
~It helps parents and students create a healthy combination of learning and gaming
~It eliminates the need of physical classroom
~It will encourage people to take care of their health and fitness.
~It will provide guidance to women in self-defence.
~Test learning of students with quiz app
~ When studying becomes too boring celebrate by playing games

Challenges we ran into

Connecting AR app with live website . Running unity on a low end machines was really hectic and frustrating. The biggest challenge was compling everything in such a short period of time approximately around 20 hours it became super hectic.
