Find, Donate and Save Lives. AIDIT - A Humanitarian Cause



Find, Donate and Save Lives. AIDIT - A Humanitarian Cause

The problem AIDIT solves

Aligning with the problem statement under the Health track of the hackathon, the target audience of our application will be people from the middle-income and low-income countries. Until now, they have been forced to undergo poor quality healthcare with untrained health personnel mostly because of their inadequate financial situation. We built our application with the aim of helping these people get access to better quality healthcare by building a digital platform that will facilitate them in paying their expensive medical bills by connecting them with eager donors.It isn’t new to us that we hesitate to help those people that we don’t trust. In mostly many situations, our lack of trust leads to a lot of needy people resorting to poor quality health care with inadequate equipment and unfit medical personnel. By providing a secure and trustworthy platform to donate we believe it will open doors to even more people getting access to proper medical care than ever before.In our app , for any user to have a donation open, they need to be affiliated with a publicly recognized institution like a INGO or NGO that are registered in our website. We have designed our website in this way to ensure that the person asking for donations is truly in need of it and a verified person. This legitimacy is checked by INGO's or NGO's some of which we are planning to partner with in the future as well. As we don't want undeserving people to get such donations, verification and trust is our number one priority.

Ultiately, our application ‘AIDIT’ is built to provide a safe and trustworthy platform where the needy group of people can get access to good quality healthcare through the financical backing provided by eager donors which will help to reduce the number of people that get low quality health care.

Challenges we ran into

Being a hackathon of 48 hours, we had high aims for what we would build. With such ambitions, we were bound to face some hurdles along the way. Some of the problems or even bugs that we encountered along the way are as follows:
Having problems between the get and post request with SparrowSMS API because it was new to us.

Trying to make our website interactive and responsive.

Trying to work with state management of React and the use of useState and useEffect.

Trying to implement modal windows in the Stories section of our website.

Trying to implement Esewa Api: apparently, it requires a registered PAN number to work.

Trying to deploy our website with NestNepal: as it was not free to implement.

Insane Network issues: We would have properly finished our project way sooner and even better had there been a better network. Also, we had to take up mobile data way too many times which greatly exhausted our mobile balances.

Tracks Applied (1)

Overall Winner

Our project fits in with the track "health care" as our project will help to provide access to better medical health car...Read More
