

AidEyeKit is an open-source toolkit that enables app makers to create visual guides within apps. Our goal is to make all apps user-friendly.

The problem AidEyeKit solves

Onboarding Web2 users to Web3 is difficult. Many Web3 products have confusing UI/UX, with no guides or no visuals. This can lead to confusion, frustration, and ultimately, low user adoption and low user retention in the Web3 space.

AidEyeKit empowers developers to create visual guides within apps using SDK. The overlay generated by AidEyeKit can be used to provide step-by-step UI instructions for navigating an app.

AidEyeKit makes all apps user-friendly. As a result, we improve user engagement and user adoption of apps in the web3 space.

Challenges we ran into

The Virtual Protocol has little documentation. This may be due to the relatively young virtual protocol ecosystem which made us need to spend more time tinkering around with the tool.

Another hurdle is that this project requires us to implement a lot of components such as SDK, Server, API and Front end. Our team is new to some of these technologies and has to learn these skills in just 2 weeks.

Tracks Applied (1)

Solution Tracks

4. Consumer Apps With our dedicated assistant app built with AidEyeKit. Users can not only use this app to ask questions...Read More
