Aware, Inspect and Deliver for the people.



Aware, Inspect and Deliver for the people.

The problem A.I.D COPTER solves

We built a project, called the A.I.D. COPETER which can be used for the public by the respective officials. Drones are believed to be a “game-changer” for fighting this COVID-19 pandemic. These aerial robots have a special kind of aura for themselves. During this situation, where the globe is in a strict lockdown, my team has come up with a few cardinal ideas. These ideas, when implemented in the real world, will bring up the change we wanted. A.I.D. COPTER, which stands for Aware, Inspect, and Deliver. These are the three trivial things which saves someone’s skin during the strict lockdown which is being implemented across the globe.
We used our experience to make this project, we cool high-end A.I. algorithms which can be used to detect a group of people at once and we integrated it to an app where we get an alert when the copters camera detects the group. This in real time can be monitored by the government officials to act when they find the detected location with the help of GPS. Our prototyped solution completely supports the current edicts given by the governments. We have added a speaker, which can inform people who are violating the government rules, and also added an external option to take a photo of that public person, which helps the officials to take strict actions. We have made an app and a web application so that the user can order essential items like soaps, sanitizers, medicines, face masks, and other essential items like gloves. All of this would be running securely and well structured on the Ethereum network.

Challenges we ran into

1.Integrating the object detection into the drone’s camera is a big challenge that we faced during the hackathon.

2.Using AI Chat Bot for the first time gave us a bit of a trouble.

3.The most important thing is to integrate the sub-modules to a whole project prototype.
