Loans Made Easy!



Loans Made Easy!

The problem LENDIGO solves

This project is mainly focused on the population which is deprived of basic banking services which include availing loans without having a credit score.

We have come up with an AI solution where we are provided with data about historic customer behavior. Hence when we acquire new customers with no previous loan history, it can predict who is riskier and who is not.

We have used a basic Logistic Regression model to find the required solution to the given problem. We imported the dataset from kaggle.com and tried out various correlations, and attribute combinations to analyze and understand the data. Once the raw data was completely cleaned and freed of redundancies we used it in the ML algorithm to build the solution - credit score

Challenges we ran into

Being in our first semester of college, we had no prior knowledge of machine learning. Thus, we had to start from scratch while building our model. After brainstorming ideas for the problem statement, we had to search for a dataset that could provide relevant information for our model.
