
Cutting Out The Middleman.

The problem Agro-Wealth solves

Problem : The wastage culture has been bad news for decades in India which produces some of the world’s best rice, grains, tea and spices, courtesy the country’s 46 soil varieties. In 2019-20, total food grain production was estimated at 292 million tonnes, while as per estimates, 225-230 MT is needed to feed its population in a year. Still, the country is struggling to feed its own. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that more than 40 per cent of food produced is wasted in India, and its costs could be as high as US$14 billion (12.42 billion euro) every year. The government has made a fresh offer of talks to the protesting farmers. A lot will now depend on how far it is ready to accommodate the demands and fears of the farmers.

Solution : Since the crop waste which is produced during the whole cultivation process is huge in number, we can use this waste for different purposes like bio-fuel, cosmetics, etc. So by creating an online portal which can link farmers and the respective companies, farmers can sell their crop waste to these companies and can earn from this waste which was of no use earlier. Both the farmers and companies can get benefit from this portal since farmers can sell their waste and companies can buy it at a negotiable price which is acceptable by both the farmer and company.

Our website is completely responsive (we made it responsive because the number of farmers having Smartphones is huge as compared to farmers having PCs at their homes) as well as it can we viewed in English as well as Hindi language also.

Challenges we ran into

Since we are a team of 1st year students, we were able to complete only the frontend portion of the website, so we faced problem regarding the backend portion of the website.
