

Gaming your way to sustainable urban farming!

The problem agroscape solves

Virtual Plant Growth:

Problem: Lack of connection between virtual and real-world activities in sustainable farming apps.
Solution: The gamified approach encourages users to nurture a virtual plant in the app, creating a direct link between digital and real-life farming activities.
Real-Life Task Integration:

Problem: Disconnection between app tasks and actual farming activities.
Solution: Users are prompted to complete real-life tasks corresponding to their in-app to-do list, promoting a practical and hands-on approach to sustainable farming.
Streak Maintenance and Rewards:

Problem: Lack of consistent engagement and motivation in sustainable farming practices.
Solution: The app incentivizes users through streak maintenance and rewards for completing daily tasks, fostering consistent engagement and motivation.
Marketplace Integration:

Problem: Inconvenience in sourcing farming-related products for sustainable practices.
Solution: Users can conveniently purchase farming-related products directly from the app's marketplace, ensuring easy access to essential items.

In-Game Product Suggestions:

Problem: Limited guidance on essential products needed for plant protection and maintenance.
Solution: The game suggests relevant products during gameplay, providing users with recommendations for protecting and nurturing their virtual plants and real-life crops.
Community Forum:

Problem: Lack of a platform for users to seek advice, share experiences, and engage with a community.
Solution: The community forum enables users to ask farming-related queries, receive expert solutions, and engage with other community members, fostering knowledge-sharing and support.

Challenges we ran into

We struggled to create custom animations and ended up using already existing ones which were available on lottie files

Creating the bug game was pretty new although interesting to create the logic

Creating all the animations and timing them perfectly to keep them in sync was also challenging

Tracks Applied (3)

Choice Award

We've created something that's got an incredible UI/UX and it's definintely something everybody would like to play with....Read More

Resource Mastery

We have used MERN stack with a neat monorepo folder structure (client & server), also using JWT tokens to authenticate u...Read More

Business Brilliance

We have a good revenue business model based on freemium and running green advertisements on our platform. Also our marke...Read More
