
A helping hand to Farmers

The problem AgroIT solves

Farmers are very important in our society, and it is because of them, we are able to meet our basic food needs.
Many times, because of poverty or carelessly monitoring the health of the soil, they often face many losses due to a
the decline in the quality of their crops.
Reduce the hard work at its end, This application will help
farmers make informed decisions while planting and increasing productivity
while maintaining quality. The application is simple and easy to use.

Challenges we ran into

Hardware Issues
We weren’t able to finalize the hardware which would best suit our application. We tested different hardware and then finalized Raspberry Pi. This took some amount of time which could be used for other purposes.

Finding the appropriate APIs
We have used APIs for weather forecasting as well as multilingual language support. Selecting the appropriate APIS for the task was a challenge, there were many APIs available and each had its own challenges. We used the OpenWeatherMap API for the weather forecast and the i18n API for multilingual support.
