In the current Agri-Business sector, there is a huge gap between the producers and consumers due to which producers (mainly farmers) do not receive enough value for their crops while the consumers have to suffer from peaking prices. The main reasons behind this is
1)Presence of middleman between the producers and consumers
2)Incompetency of the traditional agri-business system with upcoming innovations
3)Distance between the producers and retailers
There seems a desperate need of Agri-tech trading platform to bridge the gap with demand driven cold chains, storage monitoring solutions and market logistic linkages that can significantly boost farmer revenues.
More can be known about it in the attached presentation.
While developing this project we faced the following challanges:
Making the interface user-friendly for farmers because majority stakeholders in agriculture sector are illiterat. Another problem is to convinvce farmers to join the blockchain culture, in order to overcome we decided to target the Yard Market. The markets are more likedly to adopt this system because they want to be competent enough with other business sectors. Once
the Yard markets adopt this system, the farmers are more likely to follow as they are highly dependent on Yards for their sales.
Finding a blockchain which is easy to collaborate and customize for the purpose of AgriChain. In future, this could be possible with platforms like Polygon which allows the user to connect multiple blockchains. However, looking at the time constraint of the Hackathon, this has not been included.
Developing a secured transaction environment. This could be achieved by involving Governement with their newly framed policy on blockchain transaction and by involving the Yard Market to monitor the blockchain.
More can be known about this in the attached presentation.
Technologies used