
A solar-powered bot capable of making irrigation, pest control, and crop protection easier with its Raspberry Pi embedded sensor system to revolutionize the farming system.

Created on 8th June 2020



A solar-powered bot capable of making irrigation, pest control, and crop protection easier with its Raspberry Pi embedded sensor system to revolutionize the farming system.

The problem AgriBot solves

Designing a solar-powered robot that can be used to spray water into the fields, spray insecticides whenever required, and keep birds and animals away from the crops.
The current situation focuses on irrigation methods such as drip irrigation and protection against wildlife methodologies such as Scarecrows. However, these technologies are soon to become outdated. These are also problematic when the field size is large and long water channels are to be built across its entire area.
AgriBot aims at solving this problem. It is a solar-powered mobile bot that fulfills all these purposes. It is a bot with LIDAR Sensors, Humidity Sensor, Proximity Sensors integrated into Raspberry Pi, connected to an app via Bluetooth. The bot also contains a 25L tank for water storage and a 10L tank for pesticide storage. It also has a siren that would fire up when any object comes at 20m to it. It has an aluminum body with solar panels. For multiple bots in the same field, the bots are able to interact with each other, so that they do not run into each other.
The entire bot would be application controlled, that the farmer/owner can access. The app would contain features like when to start/stop the water irrigation and insecticide spraying. The animals/birds siren system would not be app-controlled since it would need to be active at all times. The LIDAR would facilitate the function to see that the bots do not go over planted crops. The bot would be solar powered with a LiPo battery embedded into it that would charge during the day and work all night to keep the prey away. The bot is as compact as possible to help it move around the fields swiftly.

Challenges we ran into

For multiple bots in the same or adjoining field, the problem of them running into each other occurs. This was handled by setting up a Bluetooth system across each bot that interacts with other bots and make a turn every time another bot comes into its vicinity. Now, when the bot turns to a new direction, the crops may be already irrigated once, and the bot would not understand to not rewater it. Here comes the role of the humidity sensor that activates to measure the humidity level of soil and stop irrigating in case it is greater than a set value. This value can differ for crops, depending on their requirements. This threshold humidity value can be set using the app by the farmer.


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