

Empowering defence and wellness: Navigating the skies,finding Serenity.

The problem Adviteeya solves

The Nexus Integrated Recognition Toolkit (NIRT) is a multifaceted solution designed to address critical challenges in national security and individual well-being. By leveraging advanced machine learning models, NIRT revolutionizes aircraft detection and identification, surpassing the limitations of traditional radar systems. Complemented by a user-friendly Android application, it offers real-time surveillance capabilities crucial for defense operations, border security, and airspace management.

Beyond its security applications, NIRT pioneers innovative approaches to stress relief and relaxation. Through a virtual yoga platform enriched with augmented and virtual reality technologies, it provides accessible tools for individuals to combat the increasing levels of stress in modern society. By combining cutting-edge technology with practical solutions, NIRT not only safeguards national interests but also promotes mental well-being and resilience in individuals.

Challenges we ran into

Dataset collection equipments
