Across Wallet

One-stop Crypto Wallet enabling Cross-chain token transfer easily


Across Wallet

One-stop Crypto Wallet enabling Cross-chain token transfer easily

The problem Across Wallet solves

  • We have basically built a crypto wallet with the additional functionality of being able to do cross-chain token transfers.
  • Cross-chain token transfers are an important part of the Web3 ecosystem, with so many blockchains and dapps coming up, every Dapp might use a certain specific token hence the need to transfer tokens from one chain to another has increased.
  • By default, the process of transferring tokens from one chain to another is quite complex and costly, that is why we came up with this solution.
  • We are using Biconomy's Hyphen SDK which enables quick and easy transfer with different chains, So, Our Dapp along with providing basic wallet functionalities also enables the simple cross-chain transfer of tokens.

Challenges I ran into

  • As this was our first Web3 Hackathon and since all of us were beginners in the Web3 space, it took time to understand the different concepts and technologies used and how exactly we can integrate Hyphen SDK with our project.
  • As we were building a wallet, it took time to understand how exactly a decentralized wallet works, private key is generated from the recovery phrase and implement the authentication and account creation part.
